Digital Marketing

Paired with technology, the field of marketing will never be the same. With the augmentation of analog methods, the number of ways that brands can reach consumers now appears to be limitless. Digital channels improve the context, and therefore, the effectiveness of brand messaging. Industry professionals are able to better understand and engage with audiences across various stages of a conversion funnel, bringing a number of specializations to a field that was once was considered relatively broad.

“Increasingly, mass marketing is turning into a mass of niches.” -Chris Anderson

Over time, increased popularity of digital channels have led to the development of tools and vocations that fill the holes made visible by more traditional aspects of marketing. Having worked in this truly dynamic sphere for more than a decade, I have had the rare opportunity to explore several areas of expertise, including:

While the same basic principles remain, there is no question that the level of insight and granularity is only continuing to increase, and it will be exciting to see how these online business processes continue to influence our offline interactions in the future.