Search Engine Optimization

Popularly known as “SEO,” Search Engine Optimization is the practice of increasing the visibility of your website. Traditionally, this long-term strategy is particularly challenging, as it relies on understanding how search engines like Google determine what websites are most relevant to a user’s search query. Because search engines wish to provide a level playing field where website owners cannot simply game the system to receive unlimited free traffic, ranking algorithms are constantly changing to ensure increased search accuracy over time.

Unlike paid search, which displays sponsored links at the top of a results page for a price, the goal of SEO is to rank organically and generate traffic for free. Similarly, due to the nature of a traditional search string, this is often keyword based. While many posit that content remains “king” when it comes to unpaid marketing, over time, several technical mechanisms have been incorporated into ranking factors to ensure a quality browsing experience, including:

  • Page speed
  • Mobile experience
  • Schema markup
  • Site security (HTTPS)
  • Domain authority
  • Social signals
  • Backlinks