Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Known in the industry as “PPC Advertising,” this channel allows for instant results, however, it forces one to consider budget constraints and client-specific goals when managing a campaign. The flexibility of targeting benefit advertisers through cross-promotion of content at various stages of the conversion funnel. Every click is a conscious decision, and it is my job to make sure each one counts.

As a certified Google Partner, I use paid advertising channels to provide immediate results and generate insights that traditional search engine optimization (SEO) simply cannot match. When implemented properly, campaigns fuel future strategies by providing information related to user behavior through the help of conversion tracking and web analytics. Expert interpretation of data collected, leads to a deeper understanding  and comprehension of visitors and their overall interaction with the site, thus allowing for optimal reach over time.

Though many cling to initial findings, the digital landscape is ever-changing, so it is important to effectively speak to the ever-growing base of online users. Multivariate testing is an ongoing process and should be a priority made evident through tweaking ads, adjusting keywords, exploring new methods of targeting, as well as testing out new content on website landing pages.

Campaign structure and bidding strategies should reflect the audiences you are looking to attract, and remarketing should never be overlooked as a channel for re-engaging visitors that would otherwise be lost.

Comparison shopping engine integration with paid search, allow advertisers to use feed technology to promote entire product lines. These native ad formats and the channels for distribution, are built into the existing ad platforms that allow for the emergence of more granular PPC campaign strategies.

Though it is difficult to predict how technology will continue to improve the effectiveness and possibilities of PPC advertising, there is no question that the channel is here to stay. Google and Bing allow site owners to reach roughly 95% of the search market. With display networks and the rapid growth of mobile markets, shifts in paid search impression share continues to shape the methods in which marketers are driving traffic, generating conversions, gathering information, and ultimately conducting business online.